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VIRTUAL LECTURE: The past, present, and future of kaolin exploitation in Cornwall

December 14, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

If you are interested in learning more about the kaolin industry in Cornwall, you might want to join the virtual lecture by Bill Cooper, Resource Geologist with Imerys UK. He will be presenting on ‘The past, present, and future of kaolin exploitation in Cornwall’. The lecture will touch briefly on the history of kaolin mining in Cornwall. It will also focus on the current operations of the sole producer – Imerys UK. The lecture will also discuss the challenges faced by the industry. Finally, the lecture will look at what the future may look like upon cessation of mining, and how the industry can contribute to the sustainable development of Cornwall.

Kaolin, also known as china clay, is a valuable material that has been mined in Cornwall for more than two centuries. It has a wide range of uses and applications in various industries and sectors. However, kaolin is not an infinite resource and its extraction poses new challenges as the remaining deposits become scarcer and harder to access.

Bill Cooper MSc ACSM MIMMM is a geologist who has worked in the mining industry for 16 years, in a variety of roles. These include underground and open pit mining geology in the Eastern Goldfields of Australia, mineral exploration in Australia and Western USA, and exploration and resource estimation consulting in the UK.

To register, all you need to do is visit this LINK


December 14, 2023
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
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