Events Archive



31/5/2017Minsouth lecture meetingAndy WellsInnovations, Triumphs, Tragedies and Challenges: A personal look back on 40 odd years in the mining business

30/4/2017Minsouth lecture meetingDr Ross FreemanTrends in Primary Aluminium Production

12/1/2017Minsouth lecture meetingCharlotte BishopThe use of Remote Sensing for Mining Applications

31/10/2016Minsouth lecture meetingJohn MurrayThe Evolving Natural Resources Industry

20/6/2016Minsouth lecture meetingJohn MeyerHow to live through the cyclical nature of commodities

20/5/2016Minsouth lecture meetingJeff HarrisonHemerdon / Drakelands

20/4/2016Minsouth lecture meetingThomas KonstantisTUNNEL HAZARDS � TUNNEL FAILURES & RISK ENGINEERING

18/2/2016Minsouth lecture meetingBrian Robinson,The Works of Sir Humphrey Davy, 1778 – 1829


12/11/2015Minsouth lecture meetingGraham DennyThe Role of Insurance as a Risk Management Tool in the Mining Sector

8/10/2015Minsouth lecture meetingPeter Jenner and Richard ElmerTailings – The Inconvienient Truth

13/11/2013Minsouth lecture meetingBranco LalikAutomation in Mining and Bulk Materials Handling

10/1/2013Minsouth lecture meetingBen Peachey.ICMMMining�s contribution to sustainable development

11/10/2012Minsouth lecture meetingJoseph HuggardBlack Swans – Reducing Uncertainty?

27/9/2012Workshop: Mining4Investors: GoldMichael Forrest, Mining ResearchPresentation

27/9/2012Workshop: Mining4Investors: GoldCharles Gibson, Edison Investment ResearchPresentation

4/4/2012Masterclass: financing exploration and project development, 4 April 20124 – Practical experience of multiple finance sources

4/4/2012Masterclass: financing exploration and project development, 4 April 2012animation on Chinese investment

4/4/2012Masterclass: financing exploration and project development, 4 April 20125 – What to expect when financing through DFIs

4/4/2012Masterclass: financing exploration and project development, 4 April 20123 – Trends in equity capital raisings

4/4/2012Masterclass: financing exploration and project development, 4 April 20121 – Key trends in debt finance

4/4/2012Masterclass: financing exploration and project development, 4 April 20122 – Pre-pays as a form of finance

3/11/2011CRIRSCO seminar at Simmon & SimmonsIan Goddard: CRIRSCO representative for JORC; Company DirectorPotential CRIRSCO Members ( Russia, Philippines, China, Indonesia, Mongolia, Peru, Argentina, …)

3/11/2011CRIRSCO seminar at Simmon & SimmonsGrigoriy Malukhin: CRIRSCO representative for PERC; GKZRussian mining law, CRIRSCO, and the new Russian reporting standard

3/11/2011CRIRSCO seminar at Simmon & SimmonsHernan Soza: CRIRSCO representative for Chile; Hudbay Minerals Inc.Chilean mining law and reporting standards

3/11/2011CRIRSCO seminar at Simmon & SimmonsMichael Lynch-Bell (E&Y)Practical questions on use of the ESMA Guidelines

3/11/2011CRIRSCO seminar at Simmon & SimmonsRoger Dixon: CRIRSCO representative for SAMCODE; SRK corporate consultant and directorThe South African regulatory system

3/11/2011CRIRSCO seminar at Simmon & SimmonsPaul Bankes: CRIRSCO representative for CIM; Teck Resources, Director for reserve evaluationsThe new NI43-101

3/11/2011CRIRSCO seminar at Simmon & SimmonsDeborah McCombe: Chairperson CRIRSCO and CIM; Roscoe Postle Associates, executive VPIntroduction – How CRIRSCO operates

3/11/2011CRIRSCO seminar at Simmon & SimmonsPeter Stoker: CRIRSCO representative for JORC; AMC principal geologist2011 Review of the JORC Code

3/11/2011CRIRSCO seminar at Simmon & SimmonsAnthony Hodge; chairman of ICMMSustainable development: ICMM and Minerals Reporting

3/11/2011CRIRSCO seminar at Simmon & SimmonsGlenn Brady (IASB) ; Harry Parker: CRIRSCO representative for SME; AMECCRIRSCO and IASB

3/11/2011CRIRSCO seminar at Simmon & SimmonsEdmundo Tulcanaza: President, Chilean Mining Commission, Deputy Chairperson CRIRSCOThe CRIRSCO Template: core standard definitions

3/11/2011CRIRSCO seminar at Simmon & SimmonsEdward Jack: JP Morgan CazenoveWhat the investor/market requires

3/11/2011CRIRSCO seminar at Simmon & SimmonsIan Douglas: CRIRSCO representative for SME; Newmont, group executive, value assurance and reservesThe USA – is the SEC out of line?

3/11/2011CRIRSCO seminar at Simmon & SimmonsStephen Henley: CRIRSCO rep. for PERC; and Paul Gribble: CRIRSCO rep. for PERC; Wardrop, UK geology managerESMA and CRIRSCO: Reporting standards in Europe – and beyond?

3/11/2011CRIRSCO seminar at Simmon & SimmonsGlenn Brady (IASB) ; Harry Parker: CRIRSCO representative for SME; AMEC technical directorCRIRSCO and evolving international accounting standards: IFRS

31/10/2011CRIRSCO seminarFerdi Camisani: CRIRSCO representative for SAMCODE; independent consultantCRIRSCO, UNFC-2009 and PRMS: the significance and relevance of their cooperation

31/10/2011CRIRSCO seminarDeborah McCombe: Chairperson CRIRSCO and CIM; Roscoe Postle Associates, executive VPThe history and role of CRIRSCO and the CRIRSCO Template

31/10/2011CRIRSCO seminarHarry Parker: CRIRSCO representative for SME; AMEC technical directorRelationships between regulators, markets, companies, investors, and professional organisations: questions of discipline

31/10/2011CRIRSCO seminarEdmundo Tulcanaza: President, Chilean Mining Commission, Deputy Chairperson CRIRSCOThe CRIRSCO Standard definitions

31/10/2011CRIRSCO seminarStephen Henley: CRIRSCO representative for PERC; independent consultant and Grigoriy Malukhin: CRIRSCO representative for PERC; GKZCompetent Persons and Experts in Russia

31/10/2011CRIRSCO seminarRuth Allington: EFG President; GWP Joint Senior PartnerCompetent Person concepts in European countries and the mobility of technical professionals between member states

31/10/2011CRIRSCO seminarRoger Dixon: CRIRSCO representative for SAMCODE; SRK corporate consultant and directorWhat is a Public Report? What is a Competent Person?

31/10/2011CRIRSCO seminarPeter Stoker: CRIRSCO representative for JORC; AMC principal geologistAn example of monitoring of compliance- JORC, ASX and AusIMM

23/2/2011Masterclass 6: Valuation Masterclass, 23 Feb 2011Graham Clow & Deborah McCombeValue In The Ground: How Is It Calculated?

23/2/2011Masterclass 6: Valuation Masterclass, 23 Feb 2011NumisValuing mining companies �a market perspective

23/2/2011Masterclass 6: Valuation Masterclass, 23 Feb 2011Andrew DaceyExploration results, true value or geologists dream?

23/2/2011Masterclass 6: Valuation Masterclass, 23 Feb 2011Jon Priest & Peter CalderbankMine Costs: Profits and Pitfalls

23/2/2011Masterclass 6: Valuation Masterclass, 23 Feb 2011Christophe Asselineau & Yves BaratteSecuring your mining title and keeping it

20/1/2011Commodities Day – IRON ORE: 20 Jan. 2011Louis Brimacombe Manager Environment Department, Tata Steel Europe RDThe Roadmap for Sustainable Steel

20/1/2011Commodities Day – IRON ORE: 20 Jan. 2011StemcorAn introduction to Iron Ore Derivatives Trading

20/1/2011Commodities Day – IRON ORE: 20 Jan. 2011Roger Emmott, Global Head of Research & Consulting and Training, Steel Business BriefingSupply and Demand Trends in Seaborne Iron Ore

20/1/2011Commodities Day – IRON ORE: 20 Jan. 2011OutotecNew approaches in processing iron ore fines

20/1/2011Commodities Day – IRON ORE: 20 Jan. 2011Core MiningDeveloping World Class Independent Iron Ore Projects in Central Africa

20/1/2011Commodities Day – IRON ORE: 20 Jan. 2011Luis da Silva, Chief Executive, African AuraDeveloping Iron Ore Projects in Africa

20/1/2011Commodities Day – IRON ORE: 20 Jan. 2011Chris Wheatley, Senior Associate, Behre Dolbear International LtdGlobal iron ore exploration in exciting times

20/1/2011Commodities Day – IRON ORE: 20 Jan. 2011Karl-Axel Waplan, President & CEO, Northland ExplorationPresentation

22/6/2010Masterclass 5: Resources in Africa Masterclass, 22 June 2010Yves Baratte, Simmons & SimmonsAfrica: at last somewhere we do not need lawyers

22/6/2010Masterclass 5: Resources in Africa Masterclass, 22 June 2010Professor Laurance Robb, Oxford UniversityGeological resource base of Africa

22/6/2010Masterclass 5: Resources in Africa Masterclass, 22 June 2010Richard Levack, Banlaw Africa GroupInfrastructure and its impact on projects

22/6/2010Masterclass 5: Resources in Africa Masterclass, 22 June 2010James Philip and Russell Amor, Standard Chartered BankFinancing Mining in Africa

10/6/2010Minsouth lecture meetingJari Rosendal,Executive Vice President, Outotec OyjMore out of ore!

10/12/2009Minsouth lecture meetingTim SmithThe African Copperbelt: An Overview of Recent Copper Project Activity

24/11/2009Commodities Day – GOLD: 24 Nov. 2009Gavin Ferrar InvestecPresentation

24/11/2009Commodities Day – GOLD: 24 Nov. 2009Dr Laurence Robb Savannah Gold CorpPresentation

24/11/2009Commodities Day – GOLD: 24 Nov. 2009Algy Cluff Cluff Gold PLCPresentation

24/11/2009Commodities Day – GOLD: 24 Nov. 2009Mark Wellesley-Wood Ambrian Capital plcPresentation

24/11/2009Commodities Day – GOLD: 24 Nov. 2009Dr Chris Corti World Gold CouncilPresentation

24/11/2009Commodities Day – GOLD: 24 Nov. 2009Fergus Anckorn AMECPresentation

24/11/2009Commodities Day – GOLD: 24 Nov. 2009Dr Richard Herrington Natural History MuseumPresentation

24/11/2009Commodities Day – GOLD: 24 Nov. 2009Pat Forward European Goldfields LtdPresentation

10/11/2009Masterclass 4: 10th November 2009Ed Sides. AMECDevelopment of Resource Codes

10/11/2009Masterclass 4: 10th November 2009Christophe Asselineau, Simmons and SimmonsResource Definition

10/11/2009Masterclass 4: 10th November 2009Michael Forrest. Mining ResearchMineral Reserves and Resources

10/11/2009Masterclass 4: 10th November 2009Nick Wright. Greensand Associates LimitedReserves and Resources in oil and gas industries

10/11/2009Masterclass 4: 10th November 2009Deborah McCombe. Scott Wilson Mining43-101 and competent person

10/11/2009Masterclass 4: 10th November 2009Niall Young. Kleingeld Young and partnersPan European Resource Code -(PERC)

9/6/2009Minsouth lecture meetingMark Tyler, Nebank CapitalFinance for Mining projects for Geologists, Miners and Other Idiots

12/5/2009Minsouth lecture meetingJohn Groom (Anglo American)Mineral Resources – a Blessing or a Curse?

7/4/2009Minsouth lecture meetingMike Hallewell, SGSGeometallurgy � A Smarter Way to Manage Risk

15/1/2009Minsouth lecture meetingHelen Russell (Golder Associates), and Maarten Velzeboer (ArcelorMittal)Social Issues and Mining

8/12/2008Masterclass 3: 8th December 2008Nick WilliamsPreparing Your Mining Business To Raise Finance

8/12/2008Masterclass 3: 8th December 2008David Lenigas, LonrhoAlternative Finance – A Real-Time Case Study

8/12/2008Masterclass 3: 8th December 2008Dr Elena Clarici, Commodity Energy Capital LtdMining Equity Finance – Lessons from Behavioural Finance

8/12/2008Masterclass 3: 8th December 2008Dr. Frank Lucas, Loeb Aron & Co.What Really Makes a good long-term Mining Investment?

8/12/2008Masterclass 3: 8th December 2008Chris HortonSecondary Offerings in the current market environment

27/11/2008Commodities Day – NICKEL: 27 Nov. 2008Felix Pole, Founder of European Nickel & Director, Toledo MiningThe Economic Processing of Nickel Laterites: The Challenge to the Nickel Industry

27/11/2008Commodities Day – NICKEL: 27 Nov. 2008Blackstone Ventures Inc.Exploring the Old World for New Base Metal Deposits

27/11/2008Commodities Day – NICKEL: 27 Nov. 2008Chris Davies, African Eagle Resources plcTanzania: Nickel�s New Frontier

27/11/2008Commodities Day – NICKEL: 27 Nov. 2008Dr Richard Herrington, NHM LondonNickel Laterite Deposit Geology and Exploration

27/11/2008Commodities Day – NICKEL: 27 Nov. 2008Tony Warwick-Ching, CRU Steel Business UnitNickel – a touch of tarnish

27/11/2008Commodities Day – NICKEL: 27 Nov. 2008Stephen Barnett, President, Nickel InstituteNickel: A Sustainable Resource – How Nickel Supports Sustainable Development

27/11/2008Commodities Day – NICKEL: 27 Nov. 2008Donald Douglas, Cambridge Risk LimitedConstructing the optimum price risk hedge for a mining project

27/11/2008Commodities Day – NICKEL: 27 Nov. 2008Western Areas NLMining and developing high grade, low cost, long life nickel mines

/6/2008Minsouth lecture meetingStratex InternationalGOLD EXPLORATION IN TURKEY

/4/2008Minsouth lecture meetingATH Resources plcA Perspective on Surface Coal Mining

28/2/2008Masterclass 2: 28th February 2008Chris Howell, Cambridge Risk LtdABCs of Hedging

28/2/2008Masterclass 2: 28th February 2008Donald Douglas & Chris Howell, Cambridge Risk LtdWhere it all went wrong – case studies

28/2/2008Masterclass 2: 28th February 2008Chris Smith, Grant ThorntonAccounting and reporting derivatives under IFRS

28/2/2008Masterclass 2: 28th February 2008Donald Douglas, Cambridge Risk LtdConstructing the optimum price risk hedge for a mining project

28/2/2008Masterclass 2: 28th February 2008Marlon PortesMine Financing – A legal eye view of hedging

8/1/2008Minsouth lecture meetingPaul Renken Mining Analyst VSA CapitalVALUATIONS FOR MINING PROJECTS & MINING FIRMS

11/12/2007Minsouth lecture meetingTertiary Minerals plcPresentation

22/11/2007Commodities Day – COPPER: 22 Nov. 2007Matt Sutcliffe, Executive Chairman, Alexander Mining plcLeon Copper Project and the Development of the Innovative AmmLeachTM Ammonia Heap Leaching SX-EW Process

22/11/2007Commodities Day – COPPER: 22 Nov. 2007CRUCopper: What does the future hold?

22/11/2007Commodities Day – COPPER: 22 Nov. 2007Mark Parker, Managing Director, and Chris Davies, Operations Director, African Eagle Resources plcZambia Inside and Outside The Copperbelt

22/11/2007Commodities Day – COPPER: 22 Nov. 2007Alan J Wilson, Copper Commodity Leader – Exploration Division, Anglo American plcWorld Class Copper Deposits: Exploration Models and Methods

22/11/2007Commodities Day – COPPER: 22 Nov. 2007Tim J.A. Smith, Vice President Copper, SNC-LAVALIN GROUPCopper Smelting � an overview

22/11/2007Commodities Day – COPPER: 22 Nov. 2007Weatherly plcReviving Namibian Copper

14/11/2007Minsouth lecture meetingPeter Huxtable, British Aggregates AssociationReview of the Industry; Government and European Legislation

1/11/2007Masterclass 1: 1 Nov 2007Environment

1/11/2007Masterclass 1: 1 Nov 2007Legal Risks in Mining Projects – a brief introduction

1/11/2007Masterclass 1: 1 Nov 2007Risk legal and operational

1/11/2007Masterclass 1: 1 Nov 2007Hedging and price risk

1/11/2007Masterclass 1: 1 Nov 2007Reserve and Resources

9/10/2007Minsouth lecture meetingPhil Robinson, Technical Services Manager, Blasting Services Ltd, Exchem ExplosivesA Review of the UK Explosives Industry

23/11/2006Commodities Day – URANIUM: 23 Nov. 2006Steve KiddThe Global Nuclear Fuel Market

23/11/2006Commodities Day – URANIUM: 23 Nov. 2006John MonhemiusProcessing of Uranium Ores to produce Yellowcake

23/11/2006Commodities Day – URANIUM: 23 Nov. 2006Sacha BorthwichValuing Uranium Projects

23/11/2006Commodities Day – URANIUM: 23 Nov. 2006Christian KunzeThe Wismut Remediation Programme – an international benchmark project

23/11/2006Commodities Day – URANIUM: 23 Nov. 2006Clive HallettEnvironmental Issues from Uranium Mining – Perception vs Reality

23/11/2006Commodities Day – URANIUM: 23 Nov. 2006Peter SimpsonUranium Ore Deposits from Archaean to the Present

23/11/2006Commodities Day – URANIUM: 23 Nov. 2006Tim SugdenRising Demand for Uranium – can Australia deliver?

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