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Afghanistan Untapped Mining Potential: Challenges and Opportunities

February 10, 2022 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Isamil Amin will be discussing socio and geopolitical challenges, investment climate, present day opportunities and the future of mining in Afghanistan.

Ismail Amin is a seasoned policymaker and engineer with a history of working with thought leaders, policy makers, government and international organisations. He had the privilege of dictating national mining policy decrees and associated regulatory affairs by working for the President of the I.R of Afghanistan leading the Mineral and Energy sector portfolio at the President Office. His experience lies across a range of policy works such as the development of National Mineral Portfolio for foreign & domestic investment and evaluation & negotiation of large-scale mining projects across Afghanistan. In terms of commodities, Ismail has a solid track record working with coal, gold, lead-zinc, iron, copper, precious and semi-precious stones along with industrial mineral resources and reserves, from the tendering of the exploration block to the issuance of the exploitation licence and final land reclamation upon cessation of mining activities. Having worked at key government institutions and decision-making bodies, he has inside knowledge of what inner mechanics drive government regulation and successful bids for mining. These experiences combined with his academic & managerial background in mining and strong aptitude for socio-political evaluation and liaison allow him to achieve success both commercially and administratively for whatever venture he may be part of. Ismail has obtained his Bachelor of Mining Engineering from the University of Engineering & Technology Lahore, Pakistan and actively writes for national and international media outlets regarding Afghanistan’s national resources, its challenges and wider investment climate.
Along with professional career, Ismail is well connected with the industry and is the Founding President of DeWER Co. & TSP (De Watan Energy and Resources Consultants and Technical Service Providers) and is currently based in London.

Registration can be done through Eventbrite – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/249242680567


February 10, 2022
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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