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Lecture: What’s in store for UK’s critical mineral future?
October 12, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
This presentation about Critical Raw Materials (CRMs) will be given by Olimpia Pilch, Founder and Chief Operating Officer of Critical Minerals International Alliance (CMIA). This lecture will begin immediately following the Annual General Meeting. Registration can be done through Eventbrite at this LINK.
- What’s next for domestic production – is a great British mining revival truly under way?
- Can building a robust midstream industry be the solution to UK’s security of supply?
- What role can the UK play in supply chain integration with like-minded nations? How can we build fruitful partnerships?
Olimpia is a geologist by training having completed a BSc Geology degree at Durham University and an MSc Exploration Geology degree at Camborne School of Mines. Olimpia has driven thought leadership on responsible sourcing of critical minerals which influenced government policy. She actively champions the industry and brings together critical minerals companies, end users, investors, and governments. Olimpia focuses on enabling supply chain diversification and integration.
Email | olimpia@cmialliance.com
LinkedIn | Olimpia Pilch
The Virtual Presentation will be conducted with GoToMeeting. Get the app now and be ready when the meeting starts:
Attendees can attend by opening the link with a browser – Chrome is recommended.
Please register here to receive the ticket or link for the meeting.