Nick Eastwood Receives IOM3 Award
By Ian Jackson
Jun 25, 2017, 11:02

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Joining MinSouth Council in 2007, Nick became Vice President in 2010 and President MinSouth in 2011/2012, during which time he oversaw the CRISCO meeting hosted by MinSouth at IOM3 headquarters in London. He was an active and popular President, with a well-attended programme of events, including: Wolf Minerals, GFMS, Peter Brett Associates, Digby Wells and the highlight, a presentation on the Chilean Mine Rescue of 2010.

At Council and as VP, President and now as a Past President, Nick has been a regular and active attendee and contributor, demonstrating his passion for the industry and especially supporting those that are at the start of their careers. As President of MinSouth, he always ensured that the available funds were put to the best possible use for the development of the industry and the people within it. He left a strong legacy for his successors.

He has been very active in growing the membership of MinSouth and set up the Student sponsorship scheme in 2012, where he remains on the selection committee. Nick has promoted MinSouth to many mining companies over the last six years and obtained financial sponsorship from many. Since the start of this scheme, over GBP 20,000 has been raised and distributed to UK-based students in mining disciplines.

He has maintained strong links with CSM and each year has made a presentation to the students there, during which the benefits of joining IOM3 through MinSouth, including the payment of the fees whilst a student member, are stressed. This has resulted in a steady stream of CSM students joining MinSouth. In 2016 alone, he encouraged nearly 20 students from CSM to become members of the Institute.

Nick supported and represented MinSouth at the 2012 International Mining Games in Cornwall at King Edward Mine, as MinSouth had sponsored one of the CSM teams.
He has researched, prepared and presented the MinSouth Christmas Mining Quiz for the last six years. This has been a popular highlight of the MinSouth programme and is well attended by students from mining schools, building on the close relationships Nick has developed in this area.
In summary, Nick has been an excellent ambassador for MinSouth and the IOM3 for many years and has continued to contribute strongly as Past President.

The President of IOM3, Martin Cox, presented Nick with his certificate of the award prior to the 2017 Prestige Lecture at The Geological Society.

Nick receiving the certificate from IOM3 President, Martin Cox

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