At the Annual General Meeting on 14 October, 2019, and in line with our Constitution, some of the current members of the MinSouth Council will retire. These Councillors have put themselves forward for re-election.

Η λοίμωξη μπορεί να προκαλέσει απώλεια όρασης ή ενώ σημαντικές Kamagra 100 χρόνιες ασθένειες. Υπάρχουν διάφορες διαθέσιμες επιλογές για τη θεραπεία της ανικανότητας, το πέος μεγαλώνει και η ευαισθησία βελτιώνεται.

The future success of MinSouth relies upon the enthusiasm and contribution from its Councillors and it needs a continual flow of new members to keep it relevant and responsive to its members’ needs. We encourage any IOM3 member with a background in Mining, Geology or Minerals Engineering to consider their involvement.  In particular, we encourage younger members to become involved.

Nominations for election to the Council are invited from any members of the IOM3 or the wider mining community. All nominations should be sent to the Honorary Secretary, Ian Jackson, by email at no later than 30 August, 2019.  Nomination forms may also be obtained by contacting the Hon. Secretary at the same address.

The objectives of MinSouth are described elsewhere on this website.

The Council meets each second Monday of the month in the late afternoon, normally at The Counting House in Cornhill, London.

By order of MinSouth Council