The MinSouth heat of the Young Persons’ Lecture Competition was held at the Royal School of Mines, Imperial College, South Kensington on 14th March 2019. The event was sponsored by St. Barbara LLP and Golder and the judges were David Duckworth of St. Barbara, Laurence Miles of Golder and Professor Alan Stainer, a MinSouth Council Member.
The winner was Sidharth Talan who gave a presentation on “Risk-based Maintenance of Mining Equipment”. Sidharth now goes forward to the Regional Final of the IOM3 competition. The runners up, in no particular order, were Joshua Rasera – “Mining on the Moon: The future of Space Exploration”; Luc Phillips – “The Operational Running of a Remote Junior Open Pit Gold Mining Operation”; and Joshua Shaw – “How Sensor-based Sorting Technology is Now Being Employed in the Mining Sector”.
We all joined the deserving contestants in pizza and a glass of beer while the judges were making their decisions and the cheques for all the contestants were being prepared.
Thanks are due to Ellie Chung, the RSM student representative for organizing this successful event and the sponsors, St Barbara and Golder.